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Cook as if you were at home: gas brewers and other props with which dinner will be delicious on the road and road

Főzz úgy, mintha otthon lennél: gázfőzők és egyéb kellékek, melyekkel úton-útfélen finom lesz a vacsora

Andras Futo |

The trucks' lives are beautiful, but not easy. Far from the home, the miles are thrown away, and the full -day leadership is a tiring task for both the body and the soul. And what else could you fill up a tired driver than a delicious, hot lunch or a hearty dinner?

Camping Cooking in Nature Outdoor, Prepare Breakfast Picnic in M

Unfortunately, however, there is not always a good time to eat in a restaurant or brewer. However, there is no need to worry about it anymore, as the right tools can make the cab at any time into a booth and does not require magic. How?

In this article, we present the props that make the drivers on the road easier to make food and make lunch and dinner always fresh, delicious and nourishing as if we were at home!

Cooking in the truck: Why is it good to have an opportunity?

At first, many people may think that cooking is an extra thing that is just the privilege of adventure drivers. After all, each highway has the breweries, buffets and gas stations where the tired traveler can relax and dampen his appetite. And those who have ever been in a truck and set off for a longer journey, obviously shake their heads with a fierce protest, and of course not by chance.

It is often the case that we do not find a place where we can eat properly. However, freshly cooked, hot food is important in several ways in a hundred kilometers. On the one hand, because Always good for something fresh for our stomach. Especially on a long journey when we may need warmth, delicate, homemade flavors, and energy provided by quality raw materials.

In addition, of course, it is also healthy. If we cook for ourselves, we know for sure what gets on the plate. In this way, we can be sure that lunch or dinner does not contain as much preservatives, dyes and additives as sandwiches and other ready -to -eat foods on the gas stations.

Not to mention that We can save a lot with cooking. These ready meals are not only unhealthy but also expensive. Not to mention restaurants and breweries on the trip. That's why it's worth getting those tools and supplies, with the help of - if not always, but at least occasionally - we can make it while traveling our favorite food.

GDA6914 (small)

Electrical or Gas Cooking: What device should we choose if you want to cook on the go?

If you want to always crown the day with delicious, fresh, hot food during the trip, we will need more things. The first and also the most important of course the device itself that allows the cab to make it a cooking cab. For this purpose, we can also choose from a dual solution. The portable stove can be electric or gas. Of course, both solutions have their own advantages and disadvantages.

  • Electrical devices: Benefits and disadvantages

The great advantage of electricity devices is that They can also be used in a closed space (in addition to the appropriate safety standards). However, their biggest disadvantage is that during operation they can easily discharge the battery, which can cause many problems in a long way. Thus, when using electrical supplements, it is worth using a voltmeter so that we do not accidentally overload the truck with extra consumption. Plus, due to the heavy load (such as using an electric oven), you may want to fix the appliance.

If we decide to cook electrical cooking, We can choose from several tools. The electric ovens In the case of the case, we are usually talking about smaller power devices, such as hot sandwiches. They are in many cases useful and meet the purpose, but it is important to know that They are only suitable for making simpler food. While a hot sandwich can be prepared at any time or helped to heat a bowl of food, it would be difficult to bake a stack of potatoes. A similar tool to electric pan also, which, in addition to heating, can be perfectly suitable for breaking the morning scrambled eggs or making simpler single dishes.

THE Rice maker, on the other handUnlike its name, this device is not only suitable for cooking rice used as a side dish. Different Main dishes, even for the preparation of pasta and rags is ideal. In fact, if we are very determined, we can even bake pizza. Looking on YouTube, you can find a lot of mouth-watering, rice cooking recipes. This is why it is no coincidence that the rice cook a lot of trucks are a standard equipmentif you start on a long journey. It is important to know that you can buy 12 and 24 V and 230 V rice makers.

In addition to the two types mentioned above, one of the most common types of electrical cooking devices is nothing more than the microwave oven, which cannot be missing from almost any home. It is important to mention, however, that while choosing a microwave used at home is a child's play, we have to pay attention to many things for the truck version. For example, simple micro can only be used with a power transformer. This basically seems like a wallet -friendly solution, but there are many disadvantages: It quickly ruins the battery, does not do good for the truck, and the microwave itself cannot stand on the road for long, because it was not designed to sit in an exciting-moving truck.

We can choose instead specifically a truck micro, which in every way meets our expectations: it can withstand shake, have good performance, and do not ruin our batteries with regular use. It has only one drawback, its price. A microwaved oven designed specifically for trucks 200-300.000 HUF can be.

Cooking in a semi

  • Gas Moving: Benefits and Disadvantages

Gas cooking against electrical cooking does not burden the truck systems. Thanks to this, it is a traditional, proven method. It is important to know, however, that With inadequate attention, it can be more dangerous. Ventilation is inevitable during use, For burns oxygen and this It can even lead to a final dinner. However, with the rules of the rules, gas cooking is a practical solution as Simple, reliable, and use no need to worry about the condition of our battery.

Even small gas bottles and cartridges can be surprisingly long and can be used effectively several times. And large, filled gas bottles are even more practical. However, in the latter case, it is worth knowing that the stuffable bottles only in the designated places can be uploaded.

In case of gas cooking Also out of several types of devices we can choose. Available in our offer a conventional gas -making heads, which can be used with 2-3 pound bottles but a cartridge There are several variants. It is important to know that The 2 and 3 kg bottles cannot be used within the cab! THE for gas brewery We give the 227g bottle. For convenient use, we also recommend the use of chain distributors. If you are only looking for the right device for heating, you can recommend the metal gas maker with a 190g bottle. Getting some metal mugs for convenient use can also be a good idea.

In the end, which method - electric or gas cooking - can depend on several things. On the one hand, from individual preferences, on the other hand, from What other tools and accessories are available In the truck, food is always fresh and delicious. We will soon be dealing with these, but before that, let's take a look at the rules that can be considered key to safe cooking.

Written and unwritten rules: To pay attention to these when the cab is used as a cooking cab

As mentioned above, for electrical appliances The load is the most important thing, which we must always pay attention to. Many people think that the cigar lighter can handle anything. Unfortunately, this is not true, and you need to pay attention to how much power you are loaded with.

In the evening, if the load is inadequate, there is a risk of electrical fire in the deck, ie Inattention can be lightly ignited by the truck. The use of electrical cooking equipment is thus not necessarily recommended by using a cigar lighter distributor. If we have no other way, in the case of minimum the stronger version 12A Let's use it!

In the case of gas brewers the right ventilation is what we always have to pay attention to. The gases leaking from the gas bottle in a closed space they are easily fatal they may be. It is important to know that the legal requirements for the concentration of dangerous gases should also be taken into account when using the gas cooking appliance. If the law does not provide for this, the use of that device is only allowed in open air, It is forbidden to use it accordingly!

Thus, when cooking with gas, be sure to ensure the ventilation of the cab. And for maximum safety gas leak indicator spraywe can also use it.

In addition to security Of course, hygiene is also important. Note that all the supplies always be clean. Before cooking, wash your hands and clean the ingredients. And if the meat is included in the food, pay particular attention to the cleansing of the cutting board, knife and other supplies.

An image from the trucking industry of a truck driver eating in the sandwich

Gas Bottle: How to choose the right one?

It is important that gas bottles are not only their size and weight but They are also different in their accession. We need to know before choosing the right gas bottle what connection our burner has. The manufacturers use a variety of valves, and the gas cylinders used for them are not interchangeable.

The simplest version the so -called stabbed bottle, which does not have a valve at all. In this case, after stabbing it, you need to tie the bottle to the cook and not connect it until it is emptied. These bottles already not really manufactured, thanks to their dangerous nature. They are more difficult to transport as the assembled device takes up more space and the bottle is vulnerable. Because it cannot be charged, this solution is not environmentally friendly.

To the most common version of nowadays Threaded valve is counted. This version already allows the bottle to be removed from the burner after cooking. A fairly practical solution is because the devices with such a connector are already smaller, up to 100g bottles. Reliable, relatively easy to obtain, refilled, environmentally friendly. The thread on the bottle can be damaged badly, so the replacement is always worth doing carefully.

The third type of valveization is the so -called bayonet. In this case, instead of the thread, there is a multilateral indentation on the valve head, which is enough to click on the cook. The bayonet -connected bottle reliable, relatively easy to obtain, refilled, and environmentally friendly. What is particularly good is that it is very easy to connect to the devices.

It is important that you always carefully review the manufacturer's recommendations before the cooking with any bottle!

Small Aluminum Pan on a Propane Gas Cylinder with Burner for coo

How long can a gas bottle be used?

One of the most common questions that arise when using gas cooks is usually that How long can a gas bottle suitable for that device. Of course, this is determined by several things. One is what size bottle we use and the other is how often we cook with it. Finally, it does not matter what grade we use the cooking device.

In the light of these A 225-250 g of a charging weight bottle for about 3 days of cooking sufficient while a small size, 220 g of a valve bottle contents with maximum heating and cooking power is enough for about 3 hours. On gas burners, manufacturers generally indicate how many grams of gas the device consumes per hour. Therefore, if you want to be sure, it is worth buying the right gas bottle before traveling.

As mentioned above, certain gas bottles can be refilled. To do so We can even have the opportunity for smaller 2 kg bottles. It is important to know, however, that the refueling of the bottles is only possible in designated places.

Other accessories you will need during cooking

Of course, a good cooking device in itself is not enough for cooking. We will need several accessories that allow you to always get fresh and delicious food on the plate during travel. One of these things the refrigerator or the refrigerator, in which we can store the ingredients needed for cooking and the cooked food itself if we want to be forward -looking.

It is important to know that the fridge that is suitable for cooling one or two bottles of water or refreshment, even Not sure you can also be used to keep food and ingredients fresh. With refrigeration bags and boxes In a previous article in detail We also dealt with the significant differences between different types and the refrigeration of the different types to choose.

An important part of the water can also be, since water is essential for both cooking and hygiene. Might be worth it the higher the water bottle to get it. Experience has shown that a tap solution of around 20 liters can be perfect in every way.

And in the light of what kind of dishes we want to make and consume on the road, they can't miss Nor do different vessels and cutlery. In fact, to our gas maker barbecue We can also buy, which helps to make divine grilled meats and vegetables anywhere, anytime, as if we were just mistaken for a weekend barbecue party.

Young Truck Driver Eating Lunch Inside Of His Vehicle

More devices that make travel more convenient

You may want to get some other supplies for comfortable travel. Like this can be, for example A water heater that can be useful during cooking, but also helps cooking in the morning coffee and tea. In the case of a water heater, we need to know that the system is 12 or 24 V, as we need to choose the device with this knowledge. And if the coffee was discussed, then cannot be left out of the row to the coffee maker neither. In this case, you can also choose from electrical coffee makers and traditional, "snack" coffee makers. The great advantage of the former solution is that it can be easily used in the absence of a gas maker. This is also true for the new capsule coffee maker.

And it can be useful in the end an electrical thermos, which keeps warm in winter time comes in handy. If we need a hot coffee or tea, the thermos is an inevitable props. But even to store water, if we could suddenly need a glass of hot water to make an instant soup or anything else.