Truck license: For country road lovers, it also reports work, vocation and passion. Many people cannot imagine living a half -nomadic life, for others, this is the dream of a good salary itself. If you also want the experience of the free freedom that the highways and highways do, if you do not like knit jobs and daily routine, but you do not sow challenges and want to be your master, then acquiring a truck license can be the best investment for you. Read our article and find out exactly what you need to do if you choose truck freight work as a bread!
Do not start the truck driver if ...
Believe me, we don't want to dissuade you to choose freedom. We love the big machines, we love the sight of the line lines that coincide on the highway, and the beautiful, varied landscapes that we pass while working. Evening rest, occasional brewing, buddy with other trucks. Truck life is special and very lovable. But undoubtedly not everyone. Before truck license You would give your head to obtain, be sure to consider the following.
Don't want to cut in if
- Only the money drives
- You don't tolerate monotony well, you are not patient enough
Yes, there are challenges and adventures. You can see a lot of interesting and beautiful things and get to know good people. At the same time, most of the work consists of sitting behind the wheel and driving. If you are not spiritually prepared to do this every day for long hours, then it is not the best decision to obtain a truck license.
- You don't speak any language and you don't want to learn
- You are terribly oriented
- You can't stand the absence from your family
We left it last, but in fact, this is probably the strongest of all counter -arguments. Most people feel the most tortured as we work. If you don't have a family yet, you can pull it out. If you already have it, then talk to your partner from root to mountain how you can solve the care, education of the children during your many weeks of absence for several weeks. If you both think you are able to take the obstacles nicely, then you probably have no problem.
Watch out, ready, truck license!
If the above is not discouraged in your firm determination, then hair! Let's look at what steps you need to take to finally lead a truck.
Who can have a truck driver's license?
Do you feel the accelerator pedal in the sole? The first step is very good, but there are a few more things. According to these regulations, you need to meet the following conditions in order to drive a truck, ie a "C" category and a heavy trailer, the following conditions:- the age of 21
- at least 2 years of "B" driver's license
- primary education
- group permit
Once all this is, you will have less towers in front of you to free Europe's paths.
What kind of driving licenses do you need to get to drive a truck?
The short answer: C+e. As the truck consists of two main parts, the driver's license. With "C", you can drive machines that exceed 3500 kg permissible weight. With this license you can also switch a light trailer to the truck. However, if you were to make a light trailer difficult, you will need a specifically authorizing permit, this will be the "E" category. So if you have the "C+E", you can jump on the saddle.
What is the process of obtaining a license?
The very first and most important thing is to have the enthusiasm you need not only start but also end the process needed for licensing. If you really want a truck work, you will not be a problem taking the theoretical and practical exam to obtain the truck license. For the most dedicated, the theoretical part is often no problem because they were blown out of the age of five and what the truck was. And after obtaining the theoretical exam, the start of the tanker driving is a real excitement with real big machines. By this time, you will already acquire driving techniques that have no idea of a "B" legal owner. You begin to learn to use the gigantic mass that you will have to keep under your control every day. This is followed by a routine and traffic exam, which is already of real enjoyment for most drivers. About like a well -chilled evening beer with your favorite team game ... or almost.
Finally, you can work! - Truck license and work.
If you have your "C+E" permission, you have virtually everything that is mandatory to be an international driver. In addition, the need, the employer, the other trucks and the routine will teach you everything - such as different transport, freight, duty and financial rules per country. What can you start with the truck license?