"Before buying, be careful to choose the snow chain brand," we could say, but not to say! From the more prominent brand, one always expects a more lasting reliable operation, but manufacturers save where they can. First on marketing, packaging, manufacturing and transport costs and finally on the product produced.
In the case of snow chain, this means that the more prominent manufacturers have been forced to purchase cheaper raw materials from mostly from the East (that is, China). In many cases, not only the raw material but also the complete production, assembly and packaging are done. Domestic merchants generally deny this because it casts bad light on the expensive brand, but it is also possible that the Far East origin is also silenced by manufacturers! The thing is there when comparing the branded snow chain with the original Chinese product and miracles are not only the same, but also for material hardness! However, these comparative tests do not have many opportunities, so we entrust this task to qualifiers and organizations who will issue conformity certificates after the necessary tests.
In summary, we can say that we do not decide on the recommendation of the brand and the trader, but always make sure the quality certificate, which is often indicated on the packaging of the snow chain. This is also advisable because authorities in Western European countries allow only the use of appropriate snow chains!
Currently, the most commonly accepted certificate is issued by GS/TÜV. After auditing the manufacturing process, the tested snow chains will receive the GS (Geprüfte Sicherheit) signal from TÜV Rheinland, which literally means proven security. The GS signal is a voluntary test qualification that declares that the safety of the product has been tested by an independent party and the production is constantly monitored. One of the most stringent snow chains in Europe is set out in the Austrian Self -Moral V5117 (passenger car) and V5119 (truck) decrees. Snow chains that have one of the GS/TÜV, possibly Self -Moral V5117 and V5119 ratings, can be sure that they are of the right quality regardless of brand!
Manufacturers develop their products year by year, so there may be minor differences in size. When buying, always give the trader the exact wheel size and not the previous snow chain code!
If the wheel size of our van is the same as the general size of the passenger cars and thus get snow chains at a better price, never install a passenger car chain on a commercial vehicle! Snow chains designed for passenger cars are not suitable for use on commercial vehicles exposed to higher use! Always install a heavy-duty and heavy load on our little truck and small-minded vehicle! Using a snow chain designed for a car on a small car, apart from being dangerous due to faster wear and tear, can also result in loss of warranty!