Autumn has come again, which means that it is worth paying attention to the roads. Not only wet weather and early darkness can lead to an accident. During the autumn, the number of wild gases increases, as the deer and deer are determined to do so during the honeymoon, so many collisions occur with the animals.
In order to avoid an accident, alertness is inevitable. But some practices or accessories can help you get safely. Now we will show you the methods and tools to effectively avoid wild gas and what changes should be taken into consideration this summer about the rules on wild gas.
Wildfire: The danger not only lurks in the autumn
Unfortunately, any driver may be surprised to jump in front of a wild at night. In such cases, the fastest reflexes often do not help, especially when we sit at the wheel of a 40 -ton truck. According to official statistics 15-20 thousand wild gases in Hungary each year, however, in reality, the number of other accidents without reporting may be the same. Most of the victims are deer, rabbit, pheasant and wild boar.
These statistics are thought -provoking in themselves, but compared to the abroad, the ratio of hunting is not the worst. In Austria, for example, in Austria, the same area (though much more wooded) in Austria 100,000 animals affected in a traffic accident according to ÖAMTC data. All of this means that this type of misfortune occurs every 5-10 minutes, and this number does not include pet accidents.
A collision with a deer or wild boar or perhaps red deer is not at all a child's play. In a passenger car can cause millions of damage even at low speeds, but even though the lorry size, weight and high driving seat are advantage, repairing and replacing many plastic and other parts after breaking can run up to millions. The degree of damage, of course Many times even a rabbit can It is a serious damage to the driver, but fortunately, the collision with the deer can also be floated with minor scratches.
The movement of the wild in the spring and autumn is more intense, Especially the deer bridesmaids make the situation difficult. Therefore, it is important that we take the necessary measures to prevent game gases before we leave. However, it is important not only during these periods but We must be careful throughout the year, because trouble can happen at any time.
A collision with a wild can be problematic not only from a financial point of view, but can also lead to a life -threatening accident. From this point of view, of course, the safety of the truck is already an advantage over the passenger car. Not to mention that the driver must be compensated by the driver (including the value of the wild game). So it is worthwhile to sit behind the wheel in all cases, whether we drive a passenger car or a truck.
The responsibility is now the driver: Variable regulation
From July 1, 2023, it came into force on wildlife management and something about hunting Act LV of 1996 amendment, which is the Hungarian Bulletin In the 90th of 2023, appeared on June 22. One of the most important points of this is that From here on the hunting association will not be obliged to compensate the damage caused by the carIf the driver can't prove that he was struck by the wild because it was driven by the hunters. The law says as follows:
„It does not qualify as the abandoned behavior of the entitled hunting or the disorder of the activity if the game appears outside the populated area due to its location due to its lifestyle, its usual nutritional and reproductive behavior, unless the wildlife appears.
And more importantly, The hunting company may apply for reimbursement of the value of the hunted, owned wildlife. That is, the car suffering from the accident is burdened by both the damage caused by the car and the ideological value of the wild. So it will be worth paying attention to the roads and action against the accident.
Prevent an accident: effective defense tips
Although there is no recipe that provides 100 % security against wild gas, there are certain methods and accessories that can be used to feel more secure while driving.
- Perhaps the most common thing is that in the wilder areas, on forests and scrub -lined sections, on a little busy roads Driver more carefully than the speed allowed more slowly, especially after dark, when the human eye is much harder to detect potential danger. Especially be alert where an agricultural fence ends or at the ends of the ribbon barrier, as these objects, as obstacles, are, by their very nature, divert the animals somewhat. Let's try to pay more attention to the peripherals, the two edges of the road, as the eyes that glitter in the light of our lamp will be more than suspicious. The majority of drivers only watch the right side of the road, although the wild can come equally from both sides. At the end of a long, all -day driving a little coffee It can help a lot to keep the senses fresh. A useful accessory can be a Glasses that are specifically designed for night driving. Thanks to the polarized lenses night guides It also helps to see the road better on dark forest roads, so we react in time to possible obstacles.
- It is also important to know that certain species, such as deer or wild boars, are typically groups. If a copy jumped over us, we can expect them to have companions who will follow them, and without our quick reaction, even if we avoided the first, the second, third may not be prevented.
- The increasingly popular (tangent) screens and light sources today can easily distract from the road within the car. It is true that advanced radar and camera systems are capable of detecting animals on the road sooner than man, but this is not widely widespread in the automotive industry, so do not allow us to make us lazy. For trucks is particularly important to Moving in a convoy to leave a greater tracking distance Behind the one in front of them. A few tenths of a second may be the difference between whether we can stop or get involved in an accidental accident due to a careless game.
- We use the reflector - Where the Highway Allows - so that we can detect the obstacle sooner and further. However, it is important to emphasize that if a wild on the road is ahead of us, it It is not worthwhile to makebecause the sudden bright light can disrupt the animal, freeze and won't leave us. Much We do better if we bump in this situationbecause unexpected sounds naturally make wild animals to escape. This property is used by the savory whistle Also, which can be easily installed, do not need their own power source to operate, simply the edge of the march generates unpleasant sounds for animals. As these are heard far, we can trust that the wildlife will avoid us by the time we get there. Low goods are negligible compared to what can be caused by breaking a body element.
- An interesting thought attempt on sounds is that the noise emissions of new models are reduced - for obvious reasons - to take only the presence of the L sticker or the electric trucks that are already in circulation. And while the animals have a better hearing than ours, they probably heard and avoided a V8 ZIL engine than a modern truck today.
- We can also make insurance for the purpose of compensation. It is worth knowing, however, that in Hungary, in most cases, in most cases, they undertake to compensate for damage up to only $ 500,000, and the damage caused by an adult deer can be many times.
It is clear, therefore, there is no good solution for every situation, some specimens may not deal with horns, but we can greatly increase our chances by applying what we have described. The road operator also contributes to increasing traffic safety. In more and more places, blue prisms mounted on roadside markers appear in Hungary. The principle of these is that the prism breaks the light of the vehicles of the vehicles and scatters it to the wilds near the road, which are frightened of the blue light, so hopefully they will not cross the road just as someone approaches.
What should we do when the problem has happened?
If the accident has already occurred, We must first notify the police, the collision with the wild is considered a road accident. It is important that during the scene Give an accurate description of events, take video and photos. The authority indicates the incident to the staff of the hunting association, who record the circumstances of the accident and assess the damage caused. Due deck camera It can do a good service, adding that the rules for their use are significantly different in each country.
It is important to know that the stove animal is owned by the state, and after its death it is entitled to hunting in the area, which in most cases means a given hunting company. That is why to take away the theft under the law counts.
And if the hunting has already taken place and the event has been touched by our vehicle, it is worth replacing the damaged parts with quality pieces. In a more fortunate case, only the license plate holder regret the thing, in a more severe case, you may need, for example, a fog lights and headlamps, possibly to replace various body parts. THE Convoy truck shop You can find a number of additional products to which you repair may be needed.