International Truck Travel Cost - Transparenable Transport Documentation for International Consignment
One of the most important administrative tools for international freight transport is the travellet, which allows you to track and document the freight processes. The properly guided passport not only provides transparency and control for carriers, but also essential during official controls.
This international truck travellet contains all data that may be required for a particular freight, including vehicle and trailer data, driving and rest periods, type and quantity of shipment, route details, and related costs. The journey form also provides an opportunity to record fuel settlement, which is important for companies to optimize costs and track fuel use.
The document is available in two versions:
Standard (gray) version: 1 copy of an installation that is ideal for simple administration
Green version: 20 Copy designs that allow for simultaneous recording and preservation of different specimens
The creation of a journey will facilitate quick and precise filling, and its transparent format helps to effectively organize the necessary information. The exact recording of the data contributes to the easily tracking of carriers and drivers to track their routes and performance and to properly guide the settlements related to the freight.
The journey form records the departure and arrival sites, the distance traveled, the empty and loaded kilometers, the cargo details, the possible repairs, and the licenses and customs clearance information. Entries allow you to accurately evaluate your transport performance and simplify the administration.
This form is well suited for international carriers, logistics companies and sole proprietors who regularly document their transport activities. A reaching out the 200 -piece order quantity as an unopened unit package, which facilitates the administration of larger businesses.
The regularly guided passport not only promotes compliance with regulatory requirements, but also an important tool for carriers to manage costs, routes and cargo.