Professzionális műanyag tisztító és ápoló. Eltávolítja a szennyeződéseket, ápolja a műanyagot, antisztatikus réteget képez, és friss illatot hagy maga után.
Lotus plastic cleaning and dashboard care in 600 ml for perfect car care
Cleaning and care for the interior of the car has never been so effective and enjoyable. This is a professional plastic cleaning and dashboard care Made specifically for the interior plastic surfaces of the carto create a spotlessly clean and carefully well -groomed environment. Not only does it remove greasy, sticky spots and remnants of preservatives, it also easily counts even with stubborn fingerprints.
The inner plastic elements of the car are sensitive to changes in weather. The high temperature of the hot sun, winter cold and interior can cause severe damage. However, this cleanser not only eliminates impurities, but also cares for plastic, protecting it against everyday environmental influences. The perfect choice if you are not satisfied with the simple dusting as the product deepenwhile form an antistatic layer, which prevents the dust from rapidly depositing.
In addition to cleaning, it refreshes the interior with a pleasant scent, so boarding gives you the feeling of a new car every time. THE 600 ml It ensures that you can use this premium quality nurse for a long time, which provides a perfect combination of cleaning and protection.
Choose this professional cleaner and arrange for your car's plastic surfaces to always be spotlessly clean and well -groomed!
Never use it on a hot day or on a heated surface!
You do not need to dilute the plastic cleaner, you are ready to use
Shake the bottle thoroughly before use
Spray the nozzle from the product to a microfiber cloth and thoroughly wipe the surface
Finally, wipe the surface shiny with a clean and dry microfiber cloth.