The introduction of a new second -generation digital tachographs on vehicles used in freight transport will make a significant change in the sector. We'll show you what to know about these tools and look at the regulations and deadlines.
In Hungary, as part of the Mobility Package, significant changes are expected in the field of logistics from 21 August 2023, which mainly affect the vehicles involved in freight transport. According to the new regulations, only the latest second -generation digital tachographs can be used on newly launched trucks, trucks, and vehicles larger than 3.5 tonnes from the end of the summer. All this change will have an important effect on freight companies and drivers.
What is the digital tachograph?
A digital tachograph is a special device used in lorries and buses to make record and record drivers' working hours and driving activities. The digital tachograph itself is not a novelty, and the first generation models have been used for several years. However, with the introduction of a second -generation tachograph, the system has recently entered a new level.
These tools than before they are capable of collecting more accurate data, so they are a guarantee for stricter controllability. Among other things by allowing digital devices to connect with GPS the simple filtering of irregularities.
Why is digital tachograph useful?
The use of so -called smart tachographs on the one hand impossible to manipulate devices, on the other hand, it provides an opportunity to be required Adherence to driving and resting should be accurately followed, third part guarantee the implementation of targeted checks. All this by providing an opportunity to read the devices remotely.
The great advantage of the second -generation clever tachograph is also that also provides axle load data available to us, which can make major changes in payments in the coming times. But the use of digital tachographs besides inspectors and authorities also helps drivers work. With these tools Short time with administration, time spent, and among others To register the border crossing It can also be a faster and simpler process.
Information about new generation digital tachographs
Recording data: The new generation digital tachographs record the speed of the vehicle, the route, the driving time and the rest period. These data are recorded accurately in the memory of the tachograph. GPS's connection accurately records the departure and arrival location, the border crossing and the exact position of the vehicle every 3 hours.
Download data: The data should be downloaded regularly from the tachographs in order to be available during the checks. Download data with a special device called the so -called tachograph happen that allows you to make more secure and authentic copies. THE in the webshop of a tachograph download key with card reader Available together.
Verification and sanctions: The control authorities are entitled to verify the digital tachographs and the data recorded on them. If an irregularity (such as driving time or exceeding time), they can use sanctions, including fines and take the driving license.
The second -generation digital tachographs can also provide the following useful features for drivers:
Alarms and warnings: Tools may have built -in alarm and warning features, which can send signals, for example, in cases where the driver exceeds the allowable driving time or the time limit for the rest period is approached. This greatly helps freight companies to comply with the rules and promote safe driving.
Recording timed data: The new generation tachographs are capable of recording certain data. This means that it becomes exactly traceable when a particular event occurred, for example, when a driver's working time started or ended.
High Privacy: Digital tachographs have state -of -the -art data protection features that ensure the protection of drivers' personal data and secure storage of data.
Effective data analysis: The new generation digital tools provide the opportunity to evaluate the data they record using different analytical software. This provides the opportunity for freight companies to increase efficiency, such as more efficient route planning or to determine optimal driving time. According to data analysis, businesses are able to effectively optimize fleet management and can effectively reduce their operating costs.
The impact of new regulation on freight carriers
The introduction of a new generation digital tachographs in Hungary is part of the European Union Mobility Package. The EU's purpose is to introduce uniform rules in freight transport and road transport and that Improve the workplace of drivers and road security. The European Parliament and the Council Decree 165/2014 It regulates in detail the use of digital tachographs and the recording of data in freight.
The new decree It applies to vehicles carried out, ie trucks, trucks, and vehicles larger than 3.5 tonnes. This means that, according to regulation, for newly placed vehicles they must have any These tools, ie August 2023, can only be placed on the market with a second -generation digital tachography. It is important to know that the mobility package requirements only affect international freight vehicles, ie For freight carriers that only work inland They do not apply yet.
Replacing a tachograph: deadlines that should not be forgotten
The European Union Mobility Package contains a number of legislation and regulations in freight and road transport. These include the previously mentioned Decree 165/2014 and the Regulation (EC) No 561/2006, which regulate the use of digital tachographs in detail and, among other things, rest periods. Freight businesses and drivers must be prepared on time To introduce a new generation of digital tachographs, which includes the purchase of the necessary tools, the training of drivers to use the new system, and to learn about the recording and downloading process.
As stated in the package, the newly launched freight vehicles from August 21, 2023 It must be fitted with a new generation digital tachography. The Mandatory replacement of analog and digital tachographs (Except for the first -generation smart tachographs) for second -generation digital tachographs 31 December 2024 It is mandatory in the international transport vehicles over 3.5 tons.
THE First -generation smart tachographs already in circulation Mandatory replacement or development of their software to second -generation smart tachographs 2025 August 31 in the aforementioned vehicle category.
The next important date is July 2026, from which the For vehicles with a total weight of 2.4 to 3.5 tonnes It will also be mandatory for the second generation of smart journalists to use in international consignment.
What kind of penalty can you expect who does not replace the tachograph?
Of course, drivers can expect stricter checks and penalties for the introduction of a new generation of digital tachographs. For example, the control authorities are also eligible for remote control of data, to which the so -called DRSC (DEDICATED SHORT RANGE Communication) using technology They have the opportunity.
This is a data transmission technology operating at 5.8 GHz radio frequency that can work not only using installed devices but also with special mobile units, which means data check can be made from a moving vehicle will be.
If the competent authorities experience an irregularity, various sanctions may be applied to stakeholders. The irregular companies/drivers can also count on a fine or ban on driving. The amount of the fine and the duration of the ban may depend on the degree and repetition of the breach.
How can the transition be smooth?
The exact timing and proper preparation are essential To make the transition smooth. It is important to know, however, that all the changes listed in the mobility package are only affected by freight transport and beyond international transport. In the case of passenger transport (such as buses), the new rules are not yet introduced. In order to make the switching smoothly, the webshop Many necessary accessories can be found. If you use older analog techniques, look at our tachograph discs, if you have another one, you can use your print paper or download key.
So, based on deadlines, you do not have to run for the new generation immediately, but you must keep your deadlines in mind to start your journey on your way to your European roads.