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So that we don't have to be afraid of fire: Everything you want to use about the use of fire extinguishers is worth

Hogy ne kelljen félnünk a tűztől: minden, amit a tűzoltó készülékek használatáról tudni érdemes

Andras Futo |

Consumption is a profession where security is extremely important. Therefore, there are rules not only in terms of shipment and car but also for the driver's physical integrity, which the shipment companies have to follow. These include, among other things, the requirements for fire extinguishers, which no truck, carrier or spreader can be an exception to compliance.

But what rules apply exactly to fire extinguishers? What type of device do we need to keep in the car to feel safe and avoid penalties at the same time?

In this article, we have collected the basic things that the transport companies and entrepreneurs and drivers should definitely know about the possession and use of fire extinguishers.

Basic data of fire extinguishers: What is what we need to know?

THE fire extinguisher A fire protection device from which the fire extinguisher it contains can be directed to the fire by internal pressure. With the help of a fire extinguisher this way the fire can be eliminated and the danger can be eliminated.

In the event that we need a fire extinguisher, you can choose from several varieties. First of all, it is important to determine that in accordance with applicable legislation and standards what size device We will need.

THE fire extinguisher a device that can be handheld and hand -enabled, in a powerful state a mass of up to 20 kg. THE moving fire extinguisher contrast 20 kg over a total weight, manually transportable, movable and up to 150 kg or 150 liters of rated charging.

Exist even so -called non -technical requirement (large -sized) fire extinguishers, mobile fire extinguisher systems, which are more Fire extinguishers with nominal filling.

Beyond the right size, each fire extinguisher has a with a standard classification, which helps to find out what types of fires we can extinguish with their help. This information is the device read on his sticker, where the extinguishing power and use steps can be found. To this rating There are 3 categories, which are characterized by the following unit fires:

  • The category: The fire of a bonfire assembled from a forest pine columns of 10-15% moisture content of 10-15% moisture should be extinguished
  • Category B: Tray fixture 1/3 part water layer 2/3 part of gasoline that must be extinguished after one minute after burning
  • Category C: Fire must be extinguished by igniting a gas stretched at the end of a 33 kg propane-butane gas cylinder


Grouping of fire extinguishers by vaccine

During extinguishing different types of fires different types of fire extinguishers We need to apply. Fire extinguishers are for this reason According to the vaccine used can also be grouped. Based on this, the following devices can be distinguished:

  • Water vaccines: Water extinguishing devices can be used for solid materials. Certain devices can be used up to 1000 V electric voltage.
  • Foam vaccines: Foam extinguishing devices can be used in solid, liquid or liquefied solids. For rubber and plastic fires, this is considered the most effective solution. Certain devices are also suitable for extinguishing oils and fat fires. The tested devices can be used under electrical voltage up to 1000 V.
  • Powder: Dust extinguishing devices in the domestic market are probably the most popular devices. One of the reasons for this is that they are available at extremely good prices. Among the powder extinguishing devices, "BC" charged devices are primarily used for extinguishing flammable liquids and gas fires, while "ABC" -filled devices are suitable for extinguishing the fires of solid materials burning with flame and coals. Their use is recommended for 1000 V during electricity. It is worth applying them carefully, as their use can cause damage and even cause an emergency.
  • Vaccine with carbon dioxide (CO2): Carbon dioxide extinguishing devices can be used for liquid and gas fires. They are one of the best choices when vaccination under electric voltage, as they can be used up to 30 kV. CO2 is one of the purest vaccines, and it is recommended for electric fires and does not cause damage to the equipment, as opposed to dust extinguishing devices that can be made inoperable. However, it should be used in a closed space with increased attention.

What do you need to know about different fire classes?

The combustible materials based on their properties classified into different fire classes. These fire classes are denoted with the letters of ABC, as follows:

    • The fire class: Fire of solid organic materials
    • B Fire Class: Fire of liquid or liquid solids
    • C: Fire of combustible gases
    • D fire class: Fire of metals
    • F fire class: Fire of oils and fats

What does fire extinguishing power vaccination power?

In all cases, you can see a number-letter pair, which indicates the vaccination power. This is a data that manufacturers are required to enter and generally indicate the minimum vaccination power of the device. But what exactly does vaccination power mean?

Take an example of 55A 233B C fire extinguisher. The letter is all in all cases denotes the above -mentioned fire class, ie what kind of fires the device is suitable for extinguishing fires. In this case 55The test unit is a fire length, that is, the device was able to extinguish a 5.5 meter (550 cm) long bonfire. Thus essentially We need to multiply the number before the letter in order to get, how many centimeters of fire length is capable of extinguishing the device.

233B, on the other hand, means that during the test the fire extinguisher How much heptan + water was able to mixture to extinguish. This device is sufficient to extinguish 233 liters. So here we don't have to multiply or share, The number basically indicates the number of liters of water-heptan to vaccinate Ideally, the device is capable.

Finally, we can't find a number besides the c marking because For combustible gases, it is only examined whether the device is suitable for vaccination or not. If the C mark is found, it means that the appliance has been tested and can be used to extinguish gas fires.

What is a 6kg fire extinguisher enough?

How effective a device is against fire depends on several things. Mostly what material it is filled and what pressure it has. Today, even they also have double performance devices for the same amount of vaccine, which is why a smaller size does not mean that a fire extinguisher is less effective.

While the For passenger cars, a 2 kg is sufficient a powder extinguishing device, until the case of vans and passenger cars. The reason for this is that we need to think about vaccination here.

1 pcs 6 kg ABC powder extinguishing device up to 3.5-12 tons of vaccinationwhile over 12 tons, 1 piece of at least 12 kg or 2 pieces will require at least 6 kg ABC powder vaccine for safe freight transport for fire protection.


What fire extinguisher should you keep in the truck?

In the case of passenger cars It is recommended to use two 2 kg ABC powder extinguishers or a 2-liter foam extinguishing device while In the case of vans 6 kg ABC powder vaccines are recommended. In this case, it is not only the vehicle but also the vaccination of the goods transported.

Trucks and roads involved in road traffic Depending on the total weight, the legislation specifies the required quantity. With this in mind



  • exceeds 3500 kg but not more than 12 000 kg: 1 piece at least 6 kg
  • exceeds 12 000 kg: 1 piece of at least 12 kg or 2 pieces at least 6 kg



A, B and C Fire Class "1" fire extinguisher "2" powder extinguishing powder must be kept ready to extinguish the vehicle fire.

The table below shows clearly the size and how many fire extinguishers in a particular vehicle, whether it be a truck or a truck or a truck or a agricultural vehicle.

THE on a vehicle carrying a hazardous material The fire extinguisher must be kept on standby for the legislation (ADR) on the transport of dangerous goods (ADR), but at least in the above paragraph.

In the case of agricultural machines and when harvesting cereal crops, the 6 -liter foam extinguishing device is the most recommended choice, as the ABC powder extinguisher will be less effective.

Shipping and storing fire extinguishers

The fire extinguisher is also important for compliance with the rules and the proper security. For example, a fire extinguisher on vehicles in accordance with the relevant legislation must always be accessible. To be fixed in such a way as to extinguish fire in the most unfavorable location can be used in the shortest time be. In the case of towing, the towing vehicle and the shipment must also be used for fire protection.

An important rule is to have a fire extinguisher extinguishing the powder vertically or an angle of up to 15 degrees from the vertical Keep on the vehicle in a different position.

When storing it is also important to decide on a storage solution that is a device of grass and size during transportation capable of a safe, stable manner to fix.

We can choose to storage is simple metal bracket or holder box Also, which guarantee the shaking, safe shipping. The console can be easily and efficiently fastened to the body or wall of the vehicle, while the use of the tank box is mostly recommended when screwed on the vehicle wall. THE fire extinguisher It can be transported safely at the same time and protects the device from injury, so it can maintain its functional condition much longer.

Available in the webshop fire extinguisher They help the devices purchased in the vehicle in accordance with the rules, efficiently and safely.


Maintenance of fire extinguishers

Many people think that they are responsible for buying fire extinguishers and then forget about their regular maintenance. However, this is a mistake in many ways. On the one hand, for the reason Because the use of inadequately maintained devices is unsafe, on the other hand because the same way they are punished for themas if we did not have devices that meet the requirements.

So never forget that trucks and agricultural power plants must be maintained.

Maintenance is essentially mandatory every year, but it is important to know that we distinguish between the process. There is also basic/medium/full maintenance. Which one to do is depend on the age of the device. In the table below, we summarize all the important information that is worth knowing about this:

It is important to know that the maintenance of the device only a maintenance organization or reviewer. Basic maintenance can be done on site, but for medium and full -stone maintenance, the device must be transported to a workshop.

To keep in standby You must also take care of your maintenance time About the right number of appliances in that vehicle.

The maintenance at the official fire extinguisher review organizations, for example, the National Fire Protection Services Ltd., who are contracted throughout the country with various maintenance workshops. In this way, maintenance can be done in the shortest possible time.

Quality and reliability: It is important not to save on the fire extinguisher

In case there is no appropriate fire extinguisher on the vehicle, the authority imposes a fine. The fine can range from HUF 20,000 to HUF 50,000. In the event of a lack of maintenance of the fire extinguisher, a fire protection fine should also be imposed from HUF 10,000 to HUF 30,000.

Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the fire extinguishers prescribed on the vehicles and to provide proper maintenance. A fire extinguisher Purchasing price is only a few thousand forints, so in return, we can not only avoid penalties, but also feel safe (or our consignment) during everyday work.

THE in Everyone between 1 kg and 12 kg can find the perfect quality fire extinguisher that is suitable for every aspect. The devices we sell complies with all the laws and are effective and safe.

Unlike trucks, the fire extinguisher is not mandatory for cars, but in such cases the main caution is. An electrical error can easily cause fire, so it is good to have at least one 1 kg fire extinguisher or spray in the car. In addition to hundreds of thousands (or even million) damage caused by fire, personal injury and other inconvenience can be easily and efficient.