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You don't know when, who and where to use the flashers? Here's the answer!

Nem tudod mikor, kik és hol használhatják a villogókat? Itt a válasz!

Andras Futo |

See and see: All you want to know about using flashers

It is important in the shipment, in the construction and other areas that a particular vehicle is noticeable. This also helps with distinctive and warning signals such as flashers, which are responsible for drawing drivers' attention to the priority in certain situations.

But what rules apply to the use of flashers? Who can apply for example yellow flashing on their vehicle and for what purpose? And if you want to use a flashing flicker, what type do you need to choose?

In this article, we collected the basic things you should know about the flashers used during transport.

Distinctive and warning indication: These are the essential differences

There are several types of flashers used on vehicles. If we distinguish them by color, we can talk distinctive signals and warning signals. They belong to the former category the blue and red color flashers while the latter category is a yellow flashers.

THE with blue and red distinctive signs Mostly on official, health and government vehicles. The reason for this is that, by law, the owners of distinctive signals, such as ambulances or police, may be exempt from traffic regulations in certain situations in certain situations.

In this context, blue and red distinctive signals are exclusively for human life, physical integrity, health, wealth assets, the threat of direct threatening to the human environment, fulfilling the obligation under international treaties, remediation, national security and public security protection,

THE It is the task of yellow flashers In contrast, different. They are not a distinctive but warning signal. It is reported that the vehicle using a blinking light signal should only be approached, passed or prevented by caution. With this in mind, it is not surprising that a yellow flashing can often be found for construction machines or transport vehicles.

It is important to know that under warning signs, we mean only a yellow light signal, a different color light signal (pure white, green, etc.) in this category does not recognize the law.

Halogen or LED? What kind of flashing is worth choosing?

We can make differences not only in terms of flashers but also in their type. You can choose from traditional halogen and LED flashers. The use of the former is less typical of Halogen flashers are less energy -saving.

In contrast to the LED technology In addition to It also guarantees extremely reliable long life and low consumption. The LED brightness exceeds 70%of the original brightness and provides up to 50 times the lifetime of traditional halogen flashers.

Therefore, depending on the nature of the activity, it is worth deciding to use the LED flashers, as this can save you energy and money and, on the other hand, can use a long-term reliable solution.

Who can use a yellow flashing in Hungary?

Even though anyone can buy a yellow flashing, this does not mean that anyone can use it. The equipment for the vehicle is in force since 2007 12/2007. (III. 13.) IRM regulates.

According to the law, the first larger group includes vehicles to which We can install it without permission the yellow warning signal. This group includes road builders, waste suppliers, agricultural power plants, vehicles exceeding a certain size, traffic control vehicles, civil guards and some similar activities.

Since the list is quite long, it is worthwhile to study the above mentioned above before getting the yellow flashing 12/2007. (III. 13.) IRM.

Another group includes vehicles that can also use a yellow flashing, however To use it for a separate permission they need. There are several vehicles in this group, for example:

  • to carry the radioactive material,
  • A vehicle exceeding the length or width size of the separate legislation is regularly accompanying
  • Towing a broken vehicle or troubleshooting the vehicle that has been broken on a road regularly
  • used for official removal of vehicles or regularly used in the use of wheel clamps
  • regularly performing money and values ​​- regularly operated by a personal and property protection activity or a financial service organization.
  • A vehicle operated by a contract with a contract and regularly carrying out the transport of security documents under a contract with a contract for the protection of security documents.

For those who are required to authorize the yellow warning signal, they must apply for a licensing application to the competent authority. You can do this on the RI-0300 form ID with a customer gate.

The Authority has the right to withdraw the already issued, yellow light, if there has been a change in the circumstances of the vehicle, the facts that caused the eligibility, or the person in the operator.

If the operator does not use the yellow flashing in accordance with the law, the authority will oblige the operator to remove the signal.

What type of flashers can we choose?

Two things are worth considering when choosing a flashing ideal for us. One is the way it blinks and the second is the type of flashing. In the latter case, the essential difference is the way in which it is fixed.

There are many solutions to choose from. The most popular of the roof screens are the magnetic flaskers, which can typically be operated with a cigarette lighter connector.

But you can buy a drilling roof, which has a fixed screw fastening and a pipeline DIN -mounted flashing flash, which can be connected to the vehicle's electrical system. In addition to the roofs, you can also buy a so -called light bridge and an additional light signal.

In addition, flashers may differ in the way it blinks. You can choose between flashing, stroboscope-like lights and constantly blinking around the swinging flashing lights. In certain light signals, such as the blue distinctive signal, we also find a flashing that can be selected ourselves. The reason for this is that the standards used in different countries may be different and thus can be used universally.

Standards and markings: What type of flashers can we use?

It is also important to know that in the case of flashers, we also need to pay attention to the various standards and signals if you want to meet the applicable requirements.

In Europe, the ECE regulations and national regulations based on the UNECE (United Nations Economic Commission for Europe), the United Nations (United Nations Organization) and the national regulations, contain mandatory requirements for the lighting and lighting equipment of motor vehicles. The UN-EGB (ECE) regulations adopted in Hungary, adopted in Hungary, are decisive.

In the light of these, it is especially important that we would buy flashing for a distinctive or warning signal, only a piece with "E" Let's take it. The so-called "e-sign" guarantees that it can be used on the flashing road traffic.

Nevertheless, the e-designation does not entitle the proper use in itself, it is important that our vehicle and the goal on which the car is used to meet the above mentioned 12/2007. (III. 13.) IRM.

In addition ECE R65 with a certificate must have. This captures the light technical parameters of the device. The R65 mark must also be indicated by the manufacturer in a clear, irreparable manner on the lamp.

Various flashers can also be attached to the roof, dashboard and windshield, depending on what solution we choose. However, it is important that the yellow lights should be guaranteed to be visible properly from all sides of the vehicle, as well as placing a roof -lighting or so -called bridge at the highest point of the vehicle.