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With telematics for effective use of fleet

Telematikával a hatékony flottahasználatért

Andras Futo |

Telematics, which enables a multidimensional, real -time tracking of vehicles, has become an increasingly important tool for effective management of corporate fleet in recent years. It is far from being located in vehicles and cargo, today's telematics solutions combine telecommunication and IT technologies that dominate modern world, providing daily efficiency and security for fleet managers.

Data from modern telematical solutions allow significant savings and business efficiency increases. Modern telematical software not only provides location and route information, they also provide a number of data on leasing vehicles and driver: information on speed, fuel consumption, idle time, sudden accelerations or braking, ABS usage, or vehicle failure.


Optimization and security: man and machine

Telematical devices manage two key dimensions of optimization of corporate fleet. The vehicles and their users are simultaneously monitored, so they point to the relationships.

Telematic solutions The biggest advantage of leasing vehicles is undoubtedly location and tracking devices. With this feature, the success of telematics in the fleet sector began, and this service continues to be of great importance. However, with the advancement of technology, there are completely new opportunities for optimizing fleet management, for example, continuously monitoring the technical condition of vehicles has been included in constant functions. As a fleet manager, telematics can provide real -time access to motord diagnostics, battery voltage, coolant temperature to drive system failures, and even oxygen sensors, as the smart device transmits data generated in the vehicle. This allows vehicles to always operate in the safest operating state thanks to scheduled maintenance. And while one or two of our drivers may seem too controlled, let's not forget it is more common, as the driver can clarify himself in disputed situations. Not to mention that a defective component or, for example, the lack of oxygen, could get into the driver's life.

Thanks to the detailed information on the routes and the time needed to take the distance, not only can the employees monitor but also to optimize their work (for example, a more time and cost-effective alternative by modifying merchants' routes). Another important key point for reducing operating costs is to change the route to keep the vehicle for time and/or fuel savings, if necessary, for example, if the previously planned route becomes impassable. Which of our colleagues wouldn't be happy to be able to do his daily task more efficiently, faster? Who would reject a supportive leadership analysis on how would it be able to bring more fuel saving bonus home at the end of the month?

Company executives are able to track the more factors with modern telematics systems in our leasing vehicles, the greater the impact of drivers' activities. Supervisory Authority allows you to reduce non -regular or non -ethical behavior, be it forbidden smoking, theft or unauthorized vehicle use outside the working hours. Modern telematics software is able to adapt to the method of use, that is, distinguish between business and authorized private use, so that the vehicle's private use will not distort the operation of the vehicle and the private sector of our employee is also compatible.

Analysis of drivers' behavior opens up unknown opportunities for us to optimize costs and increase security. Drivers who are aware of their leadership in real time are naturally safer and more economically driving, which means lower fuel consumption and component wear. Telematics indicates where it is necessary to take accident prevention measures and how to determine the parameters of drivers' safety rules. Real-time data on drivers' behavior offers the opportunity to design appropriate training and thus consciously influence safe use of assets, which can result in lower vehicle insurance costs in the long run. One leading training training will be motivating to most of our colleagues - not to develop?


Data in the service of the environment

Vehicle driving style and optimization of the routes traveled are significant from an environmental point of view. Based on specific data from the supervisory system, we can formulate our expectations for drivers to reduce our emissions in accordance with corporate purposes. They serve as an example to their colleagues, regardless of the individual attitude of the driver's driver, in the field of driving for sustainability.

All doubtful data proved the role of telematics corporate fleets in voptimization, while helping to increase the safety of people and consignments in the process. Of course, completely new standards are needed to apply data from telematics to fleet management, which must always be adapted to the latest technological solutions. The data collected by supervisors and support software get to fleet managers in detail and in real time, providing invaluable information about vehicles and their operators. To switch to a telematics system, a lot of work, but companies who have already started have clear results in the market. This is a short-term recoverable investment that can bring businesses up to 10%savings a year.

The innovative portfolio of MHC Mobility offers smart solutions for all industries. Fleet Connect by MHC Mobility offers much more than simple GPS tracking. “The solution we offer uses the most advanced technologies currently available in telematics systems and provides an alternative to flexible management of supervision and adjust to the client's needs. Automated reports directly transmitted to selected email addresses provide the most detailed data in the industry. It is also possible to expand the service with additional features, such as integrating a tachograph, e-toll system or a package to check the temperature of the refrigerators, ”explains Gazda Przemysław, MHC Mobility's Central and Eastern European Operational Director.

Fleet Connect by MHC Mobility provides a lifelong guarantee for surveillance tools, and diversified packages allow you to customize any fleet's needs, increasing security, reducing costs and extending the life of our lines.


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