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All you want to know about the use of snow chain and start -up help

Minden, amit a hólánc és az indulássegítő használatáról tudni érdemes

Andras Futo |

When the harsh weather comes in: everything you need to know about the use of snow chains and start -ups!

It is often the case that the icy, snowy weather is greeting overnight. However, transportation is a profession that cannot stop. Whether it is a van or truck, a good driver is able to accurately and safely reach the shipment, defiant with the elements. In addition, accessories such as snow chains and start -ups, which are extremely good at harsh weather. Moreover, the use of snow chains may be mandatory in some cases, such as border crossing and foreign transportation.

In this article, we show the difference between snow chain and start -up, how to choose the best quality and most effective pieces, as well as what countries that are not worth crossing without snow chains.

Automobile Wheel in Chains

Why is snow chain an essential accessory?

The snow chain is a chain mounted on tires that are in the case improves sticking. The snow chain is not only important in starting and progress, but the in braking and stopping too help.

It may be worth keeping the snow chain in the car throughout the year, for example, it can help, for example, on a dirt road in a large mud where we would otherwise be stuck. However, it is important to know that Never use snow chains on a snow -free cover. Progress on one or two kilometers of asphalt can completely destroy both chain and tires. Not to mention that the unjustified use of the chain also damages asphalt.


What type of snow chain is worth choosing?

There are many differences between snow chains and snow chains, especially in terms of material use. Each type can also be different for the traction, durability, tires and marching noise.

We can buy for example traditional steel snow chain, or is increasingly upset today snow chains made of fabric we can also choose. The latter are also referred to as snowfall, snowbags or snowmen. Textile snow chains do not take much space and are usually placed easier. However is not recommended for strong ascent Manufacturers, especially for larger vehicles.

The classic snow chain consists of staples made of steeland its pattern can be ladder, rhombus or trapeze pattern. The use of ladder chains is less recommended by testers, as the wheel may stop without the ground, so the snow chain does not benefit much. THE trapeze -patterned chains However There will be a chain between the wheel and the ground in each positiont, therefore, such chains are a better, more efficient and safer solution if the weather justifies the use of the supplement.

We can choose for traditional snow chains hand and automatic tensioning solutions also. This means that in the previous case, some physical strength is needed for stretching after equipment, while in the last night this snow chain is solved by itself, so fixing on the wheel is a simpler task.

It is worth mentioning more liquid snow chain sprayis also a spray optimized for a winter, wet, snowy, icy road conditions. It forms a resin -like material on the surface of the tire, helping to overcome temporary slippery obstacles. The kilometers traveled are constantly wearing, disappearing from the surface after about 15-20 kilometers, without damaging the tire. However, it is important to know that snow chain spray can be a good solution for obstacles such as an icy slope, however To replace the snow chain in cases where the use of the supplement is required by law is not suitable.


Snow chain and start -up: What is the difference?

The start -up chain A device used primarily for trucks. Its purpose is to facilitate departure, However, it is not suitable for continuous progress. Therefore, it is important that snow chains cannot be replaced with start -ups. However, besides the snow chain, this can be held in the truck/truck. This can be a good solution because when you start with a problematic snowy, you can use the start -up help can be simpler and faster than snow chains.

To get the vehicle safe, to start, driven to 3 dBs per round will be needed. This means that we need at least 6 pieces if necessary. Unfortunately, if you use less, the result will hardly be noticeable.

Jeep with snow chains parked indoors at the White Tile on Vehicle Show Free Photo

Important things you should know before buying snow chains

The wheel size: One of the most important things when choosing the right snow chain is to determine the exact size. Unfortunately, many people are aware that the snow chain is good for every wheel size. However, this is not at all true.

Different wheel sizes will require a different sizes of snow chains. It depends a lot on the exact wheel size. If the snow chain is too tight, it cannot be loaded, and if it is loose, it is practically worth nothing, even though it is loaded. Not to mention that the loose chain breaks easily and can be completely ruined after a couple of hundred meters. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the exact wheel size of the vehicle before buying and buy the ideal accessory for us accordingly.

The number of pieces: Many people have the question of how many pieces of snowfall they will need to make travel safe, comfortable and regular. This is especially important for trucks, where we can usually talk about more than four wheels.

Normally, the snow chain is placed only on the driven wheels. This means that there is no need for 6 pairs of snow chains to buy safe and regular transport. All we have to do is keep the driven wheels enough.

Type of vehicle: It is important that you never install a car chain designed for a car for commercial vehicles. Snow chains designed for passenger cars are not suitable for use on commercial vehicles exposed to higher use. Always buy heavy -duty snow chains for our truck and commercial vehicle!

Time of use: Contrary to certain accessories, neither snow chain nor the start -up will have no warranty time. They do not expire, do not rust with proper maintenance, and use it with proper use is quite difficult to ruin. Quality pieces can last for a long time, even if we often need them, which means that at worst, we only have to invest in another snow chain or start-up and progress assistant every few years. Therefore, it is worth choosing reliable, high -quality products, the efficiency of which is confirmed by the necessary certificates.

Do not decide the price or brand: It is important that the brand or price is never decisive when buying snow chains. Instead, let us always make sure the quality certificate, which is often indicated on the packaging of the snow chain. This is also advisable because in Western European countries the authorities only allow the use of snow chains with the appropriate certification, so if you do not want to get into a clash with the police, the use of quality snow chains is recommended.

The Chains Snow

What rules apply to snow chains in our country and abroad?

In Hungary, there is relatively loose regulations on the use of snow chains. However, it is important to know that the rules of different countries determine differently the expectations of snow chain. In certain places Depending on the weather, or even regardless of the season, we must keep in the car according to the season snow chain. In fact, there are countries where snow chains are a must -have throughout the year.

Hungary: It is not mandatory to keep snow chains in our vehicle, but it is important to know that the road operator can place a "required snow chain" sign on some road sections depending on the weather and road conditions.

Only a vehicle that is equipped with a snow chain on the tire on the driven axis can only be driven on such a road section. It is important to know that snow chains in our country should only be used in a very snowy, icy road. The vehicle equipped with a snow chain applies a speed limit of 50 km/h.

Austria: In Austria, between November 1 and April 15, cars and not harder than 3.5 tonnes are mandatory on every wheel, the use of at least 4mm profile winter tire, or the use of snow chain only on the driven axis. However, snow chains should only be used if the driveway is covered with a coherent snow or ice layer and the snow chain does not damage the pavement.

This is definitely worth paying attention to, as the decree can expect a penalty from € 35 to EUR 5,000. The Austrian police also check the existence of snow chains, so it is important that you do not forget at home if you want to cross the border without problems. In the event of a deficiency, the empire is 35 euros, but if we have been proven to endanger the security of others, the penalty could be up to EUR 5,000.

Slovenia: In Slovenia, the use of snow chains is mandatory for snow for more than 5cm between November 15 and March 15. This can be checked at the border and, in the absence of a traveler, can be reversed. That is why it is worth preparing in time.

Serbia and Ukraine: In the event that the weather conditions justify, the use of snow chains or winter tires between November 1 and April 1 is mandatory in both countries. Like Slovenia, they can refuse to cross the border.

Croatia: In case of icy road conditions or more than 5cm, it is mandatory in Croatia to have snow chains in our vehicle. Winter or four seasonal tires are mandatory on the driven axis at least on the driven axis. In Lika and Gorki Kotar, the use of snow chains is mandatory.

Czech Republic: Nov. 1 and Apr For vehicles larger than the total weight of 3.5 tonnes, at least on the driven axis, the use of winter tires with a profile depth of at least 6 mm is mandatory on the sections of the road. It is important that we have snow chains, as it is also indicated by signs on the road sections.

Slovakia and Romania: In Slovakia, the use of snow chains does not require the use of the snow or ice, but for passenger cars, the use of winter tires with a depth of at least 3mm on the cars, and for trucks and buses between November 1st and March 31, will be used at least on the driven axis. The situation is similar in Romania. Snow chain does not require the law, but between November 1 and March 31, winter tires are mandatory.

Germany: In Germany, like Hungary, there is no mandatory requirement for the use of snow chains, but its use is regulated by signs. For those who travel with a snowy road with summer tires, you will have to pay a fine of € 40 and who prevents traffic can face $ 80.

When traveling abroad, we must definitely pay attention to the small diaphragm of the snow chain and to be properly read. Otherwise, you may be punished even if you have a flawless, 100 % safe snow chain. This is similarly true for TÜV certification and equipment. They come with the product when buying, and it is also important to keep them with us if you do not want to get into a clash with the wakes of the order.

Wheel With Chain and Part of the Truck

Certificates related to snow chain

GS/TÜV is issued the most commonly accepted certificate for snow chains. Comprehensive test series and after auditing the manufacturing process, tested snow chains will receive a TÜV Rheinland the GS (Geprüfte Sicherheit) signal, which literally means proven security. The GS signal is a voluntary test qualification that proves that the safety of the product has been tested, and this was done by an independent party. And production is constantly monitored.

One of the most stringent snow chains of Europe's quality requirement for Austrian self -mourning V5117 (passenger car) and V5119 (truck) regulation records. Snow chains that have one of the GS/TÜV, possibly self -mummy V5117 and V5119 ratings, Regardless of brand they are of good quality.

How do we put the snow chain correctly?

Proper fixing of snow chain is not rocket science. It can be easily solved alone if you know your method and move step by step. However, it is a fact that it may require some physical fitness. The automatic tensioning snow chain mentioned above can make the task a bit easier. But accessories such as the equipment helping hook wire can also help. For easier fixing, it is advisable to keep a glove or a blanket in the vehicle.

In case we have to install the snow chain on the way, Stand aside, preferably on a smooth, straight road section. Pull the handbrake and put out the jam. Pick up the visibility vest and then, after taking out the snow chain, Lay it in front of the driven wheel. One of the most important things for equipment is that Put the snow chain only on the driven wheel.

Then guide the snow chain behind the wheel and then Hang the ends of the wire cable. Guide the chain to the outer edge of the wheel and then Slide it evenly on the tread. End Turn the two ends of the chain using the tensioner.

After equipment, let's roll twenty-thirty meters and We check the tension of the chain. As mentioned above, the loose snow chain does not work properly, and it can easily break. If the chain is loose, switch the end of the tension chain to another, more appropriate link.

It is worth noting that the recording process may be minimally different for different types of snow chains, which is why it is important that Always follow the equipment. It is worth it to practice in normal time, at temperatures below zero, it can be extremely unpleasant to start the task without routine. For those who need help, there are plenty of material on the internet for the installation of snow chains, including on the YouTube interface, "snow chain installation”Finding for a vocabulary.

Always clean the chain after use, in this way, salt snow does not harm it and it will not be rusty. With proper maintenance, the snow chain remains a reliable accessory for many years.

The best quality snow chains and start -ups

THE in Truck and truck drivers can also find ideal snow chains and departure and progress for different wheel sizes, Only in the best quality with the necessary certificates. In fact, accessories that can be used to capture the snow chain selected on their vehicles easier, faster and more efficiently.
