Nerta Carnet Jumbo 370 Active Foam 5L
NERTA CARNET JUMBO 370 Active Foam 5l.The Nerta Carnet Jumbo is a poorly concentrated, highly concentrated, special, compilation, recommended product. Nerta Carnet Jumbo cleans so -called static impurities without problems. Nerta Carnet Jumbo is easy to remove and leaves no white spot. Thanks to its composition, the body will be water repellent and glittering. NERTA CARNET JUMBO can be used in many ways, but is recommended as a pre -detergent due to a very strong soaking effect. It can be used in machine car washers, with a high pressure foaming or nebulizer and conventional manual cleaning. Usage instructions: 1) Sprayed: Mixing ratio for highly contaminated vehicles is 1: 20. Apply from the material to the surface to be cleaned from the material. Leave it on the treated surface for about a minute and then wash with a high pressure jet. In the case of less contaminated vehicles, the mixing rate is 1: 25/50. Session similar to the 1: 20 mixing ratio.2) Foamed: The use and dosage are highly dependent on the foam type, but the NERTA Carnet Jumbo can be used in all systems. Contact our technical service for more information.3) with a high pressure device: mixing ratio for 1: 10. At a spray nozzle, at 50 degrees Celsius, about 0.5 - 2%.4) Hand cleaning: about 1: 100 solution. Washing of the vehicle with a sponge or brush. Then thoroughly rinse. A 1 %concentrate is used in the vehicle sector. At the concentration of more than 1:10, the vehicle should make sure that the surface to be cleaned is resistant to it. It is important: Nerta Carnet Jumbo should never be dried on the body. When applying for hot and matte parts, it is advisable to moisten them and do not set the car to the sun. Technical characteristics: It does not contain toxic substances non-flammable pH: 12.5 specific gravity: 1100 Biologically decomposed: More than 90%Packaging: 5 liters of plastic cans. Number: 11.751/99
Quantitative unit: pcs